Sewer Tools

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The Work Orders > Assets grid Toolkit contains the following Sewer tools, which are specific to Work Assets linked to Sewer modules:

Add Sewer Pipe by Alt ID

Add Sewer Pump Reading | Selected Record

Create Sewer Overflow From Assets | Selected Record(s)

Sewer Stretch

Add Sewer Pipe by Alt ID

Allows users to quickly select multiple Sewer Pipes from a pick-list and add them to a Work Order as Assets.

How to add Sewer Pipes to a Work Order using Alt IDs


Add Sewer Pump Reading | Selected Record

Creates a Sewer Pump Reading record for the selected Sewer Pump, enabling a user to quickly record readings for the Work Order Asset (Pump) they are working on.

How to create a Sewer Pump Reading for the selected Pump asset


Create Sewer Overflow From Assets | Selected Record(s)

Creates a Sewer Overflow record for Sewer Pipes, Structures, or Service Laterals found in a Work Order's Asset grid.

How to create Sewer Overflow records from the selected Asset record(s)


Sewer Stretch

Adds a stretch of Sewer Pipe to a Work Order based on the upstream and downstream sewer structures the user selects.

How to trace a stretch of Sewer Pipe and at it to a Work Order