Asset Record Fields

The fields described below have special functions. For a complete list of available fields, see the Lucity Data Dictionary.

ID Fields


Specifies which asset grouping this asset falls under.

  • The system automatically completes the Asset Category based on the Work Order Category; however, the user can change the value manually.
  • The selected Category controls the Asset Type field.
  • The list of Categories comes from the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Category Setup module.
  • More information about Category fields

Asset Type*

Identifies the source module of the asset.

  • This field is read-only and is automatically populated based on the inventory to which the selected Category is tied.

Asset Rec #

Identifies the asset by its unique, system-defined identifier. Users can only select or enter assets from the module indicated in the Asset Type field.

Picklist logo Enables users to select the asset from a pick-list of records from the module.

asset driven picklist Enables users to select the asset from a asset-driven list/tree of options.

More information about asset pick-lists

Desc 1

Desc 2

Display useful information from the Asset record. The system automatically completes these fields based on settings in the Work Asset Setup module; however the user can edit these fields.

PM Description

Describes the asset as it was described on the PM.

  • When a Work Order is created from a PM, the system automatically populates this field using the Description entered in the PM > Asset record.


Indicates when work on this Asset should be completed in relation to other Assets on the Work Order.

* Required.

General Fields

Odometer *


Other Meter

Enable users to enter meter readings for the asset at the time the work is performed.

Completion Date

Completion Time

Specifies the date/time that work on the asset was finished.

  • Fleet assets: The system uses this value to update the Fleet record's Current Date field.
  • Equipment assets: The system uses this value to update the Equipment record's Current Date field.
  • If the Asset is linked to an Inspection and the Inspection's primary date field (Tested Date, Inspected Date, etc.) is populated, the system automatically completes these fields using the Inspection date.
  • The Completion fields can also be used to link Tasks to Assets. More information about Asset to Task linking


Displays the number of units of work the asset counts as.

  • The Units value is assumed to be 1 if the Work Order Category is configured to calculate a Count for the Work Order's Quantity field.
  • The system automatically populates the value if the Work Order Category is configured to calculate a Sum for the Work Order's Quantity field.

More information about work quantity calculations

Unassigned Costs

Calculates the cost of Tasks that are not associated directly with the Asset or linked to it by date.

More information about Asset > Task relationships and how this cost is calculated

WO Cost

Indicates the total cost of working on this asset.

More information about Asset > Task Relationships and how this cost is calculated

Inspection Source Module

Stores the name of the Inspection module that generated the Work Order Asset record, if applicable. The system automatically completes this field.

Water Meter-Related Fields

A Work Order Asset form may contain fields designed to track the installation, swapping or removal of a water meter, as well as its readings at the time the work was performed. These fields are read-only and auto-populate when users run and enter data on Work Order > Asset > Water Toolkits.

Old Meter

Identifies the meter device that has been removed from a location.

Current Read 1

Indicates a primary current meter reading for the Old Meter you are removing.

Current Read 2

Indicates a second current meter reading for the Old Meter you are removing.

Current Read 3

Indicates a third current meter reading for the Old Meter you are removing.

New Meter

Identifies the meter device that is being installed from a location.

New Read 1

Indicates a primary meter reading for the New Meter.

New Read 2

Indicates a second meter reading for the New Meter.

New Read 3

Indicates a third meter reading for the New Meter.

Meter Loc Status

Displays the status of the meter device at its location.

TV Observation Data Fields

TV Observation Data fields are read-only; the system automatically supplies this information for the user's convenience when a Work Order is created from a Sewer TV Inspection Observation.


Identifies the problem or issue discovered during the sewer TV inspection.

Defect Location

Identifies the where the problem is found on the pipe.

Defect Loc 2

Provides more specific information about the location of the problem.

Defect Rating

Indicates how severe the defect is.

Defect Distance

Indicates how far the defect is from the end of the pipe at which the inspection started.

Defect Observed GPM

Denotes the observed amount of water (in gallons per minute) flowing through the defect.

Defect Estimated GPM

Denotes the estimated amount of water (in gallons per minute) to be flowing through the defect.

CS Integration Fields

The following fields relate to records in CentralSquare's Finance Enterprise (FE) system. More information about the Finance Enterprise integration.

Note: In certain Lucity modules, these fields may require specific values or combinations based on FE Ledger configuration.

CS General Ledger

Identifies a General Ledger (GL) record in FE.

CS General Key

Identifies a GL Key record in FE.

CS General Object

Identifies a GL Object record in FE.

CS Job Ledger

Identifies Job Ledger (JL) record in FE.

CS Job Key

Identifies a JL Key record in FE.

CS Job Object

Identifies a JL Object record in FE.

CS Fixed Asset

Identifies a Fixed Asset in the Finance Enterprise (FE) system.

  • Important: This field supports manual entry but will only validate against Fixed Asset records in FE when selecting a value from the lookup.
  • Note: This field is only used in inventory modules.

Comment Fields

General Comment

Enables users to record comments about the work performed on the asset.

Asset Comment

Displays a comment carried over from the Asset Inventory record's WO Comment field.

The Asset's WO Comment field enables users to record warnings or other information about the asset that would be of use to those working on future Work Orders related to that asset.