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The Work Orders > Tasks grid contains the following Toolkits:

Add Main Task

Add Multiple Contractors | Selected Record(s)

Add Multiple Employees | Selected Records

Add Multiple Equipment | Selected Record(s)

Add Multiple Fluids | Selected Record

Add Multiple Materials | Selected Record

Add Multiple Tasks

Complete | Selected Record(s)

Copy Resources from Selected Task to another Task on this Work Order | Selected Record

Link Assets To Tasks | Selected Record

Populate Crews for Task | Selected Record

Populate Dates | Selected Record(s)

Populate Units | Selected Record(s)

Populate Units and Dates | Selected Record(s)

Add Main Task

Adds the Main Task listed on the Work Order to the Tasks grid, eliminating the need to create a new record. This toolkit is available only when a Main Task is specified on the selected Work Order.

How to add the Work Order's Main Task to the Task grid

Add Multiple Contractors | Selected Record(s)

Adds one or more Contractors to the selected Work Order Task(s), along with related Contractor data, such as Units, Date, and Res Start Time/End Time.

How to add multiple Contractors to the selected Work Order Task(s)

Add Multiple Employees | Selected Records

Adds one or more Employees to the selected Work Order Task(s). Can also populate related Employee data, such as Time Cost, Units, Date, and Res Start Time/End Time if known.

How to add multiple Employees to the selected Work Order Task(s)

Add Multiple Equipment | Selected Record(s)

Adds one or more pieces of Equipment to the selected Work Order Task(s). Can also populate related Equipment data, such as Units, Date, and Res Start Time/End Time if known.

How to add multiple Equipment items to the selected Work Order Task(s)

Add Multiple Fluids | Selected Record

Adds one or more Fluids to the selected Work Order Task(s). Can also populate related Fluid data, such as Units, Date, and Res Start Time/End Time if known.

How to add multiple Fluids to the selected Work Order Task(s)

Add Multiple Materials | Selected Record

Adds one or more Materials to the selected Work Order Task(s). Can also populate related Material data, such as Units, Date, and Res Start Time/End Time if already known.

How to add multiple Materials to a Work Order Task(s)

Add Multiple Tasks

Streamlines the process of adding multiple Tasks to the selected Work Order.

How to add multiple Tasks to a Work Order

Complete | Selected Record(s)

Changes the Status of all selected Work Order Tasks to 9 - Complete, eliminating the need to modify each Task record individually.

How to mark selected Work Order Task(s) as Complete

Copy Resources from Selected Task to another Task on this Work Order | Selected Record

Copies the Resources from a selected Task to one or more other Tasks on the Work Order. This toolkit is available only when a single Task is selected in the grid.

How to copy Resources from the selected Task to another Task on this Work Order

Link Assets To Tasks | Selected Record

Links a Task to one or more Assets on the Work Order. The linked Task appears in the Asset's Associated Tasks grid.

How to link an Asset(s) to the selected Task

Populate Crews for Task | Selected Record

Adds Employee and Equipment resource records, assigned to a Crew, to the selected Task record. This toolkit is available only when a single record is selected in the Tasks grid.

How to populate Crews for the selected Task Record

Populate Dates | Selected Record(s)

Populates the Start Date, Start Time and End Date, End Time fields on the selected Task(s) and on any resource records associated with that Task(s), eliminating the need to modify each record individually.

How to populate Dates on Task(s) and Task resources

Populate Units | Selected Record(s)

Populates the # of Units field, checks the Lock Units checkbox and updates the Calculated Unit Cost field on the selected Task(s), eliminating the need to modify each record individually.

security To run a Toolkit that updates Task Units on Work Order records, you must have the Toolkit - Update Units permission for the Work Orders module.

How to populate Units for selected Tasks

Populate Units and Dates | Selected Record(s)

Streamlines data-entry by allowing the user to quickly populate:

If the # of Units is populated, the tool will also check the Lock Units checkbox and update the Calculated Unit Cost field on the selected Task(s).

security To run a Toolkit that updates Task Units on Work Order records, you must have the Toolkit - Update Units permission for the Work Orders module.

How to Populate Units and Dates for Selected Record(s)