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The Work Employee Setup grid contains the following Toolkits:

Add Multiple Categories for Current Filter

Add Multiple Categories for Selected Record(s)

Add Replica Employee for Selected Record

Calculate Seniority for Current FIlter

Calculate Seniority for Selected Record(s)

Change Time Cost for Current Filter

Change Time Cost for Selected Record(s)

Populate Email from Security for Current Filter

Populate Email from Security for Selected Record(s)

Populate Email to Security for Current Filter

Populate Email to Security for Selected Records

Recalculate Assigned Work for Current Filter

Recalculate Assigned Work for Selected Record(s)

Replace Employee on PMs and Crews for Selected Record

Set NULL security for Current Filter

Set NULL security for Selected Record(s)

Add Multiple Categories for Current Filter

Enables you to add multiple Categories to multiple Employee Setup records in a filter.

How to add multiple Categories to Employee Setup records in the current filter

Add Multiple Categories for Selected Record(s)

Enables you to add multiple Categories to one or more selected Employee Setup records.

How to add multiple Categories to selected Employee Setup records

Add Replica Employee for Selected Record

Creates a new Employee record with data identical to that found in the General section of the selected Employee record. The exceptions are: Login ID, Start Date and End Date, Journal Entry Import and Seniority. The Categories and Classifications associated with the selected record are also carried over to the new Employee record.

This toolkit streamlines the process of creating new Employee Setup records.

How to replicate the selected Employee record

Calculate Seniority for Current FIlter

Recalculates the Seniority, Years, Months, and Days field values for all Employee Setup records in the current filterset.

Note: Employee service data is not updated automatically. You must run this toolkit to view current service data.

 How to calculate Seniority for Employee records in the current filter

Calculate Seniority for Selected Record(s)

Recalculates the Seniority, Years, Months, and Days field values for selected Employee Setup records.

Note: Employee service data is not updated automatically. You must run this toolkit to view current service data.

How to calculate Seniority for selected Employee records

Change Time Cost for Current Filter

Updates the Time Cost value on all Employee Setup records in the current filterset.

How to change the Time Cost for Employees in the current filter

Change Time Cost for Selected Record(s)

Updates the Time Cost value for selected Employee Setup records.

How to change Time Cost for selected Employee records

Populate Email from Security for Current Filter

Searches user records in Lucity's Security program for Login IDs that match those of the Employee Setup records in the current filterset. When such matches are found, the system copies the Email Address from the Security record to the Email field on the Employee Setup record.

This tool allows Lucity administrators to maintain user email addresses in the Security module and easily keep Employee records in sync.

Note: Employee records must have the Login ID field completed for this tool to be effective.

How to populate email addresses for Employees in the current filterset using data from the Security program

Populate Email from Security for Selected Record(s)

Searches user records in Lucity's Security program for Login IDs that match those of the selected Employee Setup records. When such matches are found, the system copies the Email Address from the Security record to the Email field on the Employee Setup record.

This tool allows Lucity administrators to maintain user email addresses in the Security module and easily keep Employee records in sync.

Note: Employee records must have the Login ID field completed for this tool to be effective.

How to populate email addresses for selected Employees using data from the Security program

Populate Email to Security for Current Filter

Searches user records in Lucity's Security program for Login IDs that match those of the Employee Setup records in the current filterset. When such matches are found, the system copies the address in the Employee Setup record's Email field to the Security record's Email Address field.

This tool allows Lucity administrators to maintain user email addresses in the Employee Setup module and easily keep Lucity Security records in sync.

Note: Employee records must have the Login ID field completed for this tool to be effective.

Warning: If an Email Address already exists in the Security program for the employee, the Toolkit will overwrite it with the address from the Employee Setup record.

How to populate email addresses in the Security program using data from Employee records in the current filterset

Populate Email to Security for Selected Records

Searches user records in Lucity's Security program for Login IDs that match those of selected Employee Setup records. When such matches are found, the system copies the address in the Employee Setup record's Email field to the Security record's Email Address field.

This tool allows Lucity administrators to maintain user email addresses in the Employee Setup module and easily keep Lucity Security records in sync.

Note: Employee records must have the Login ID field completed for this tool to be effective.

Warning: If an Email Address already exists in the Security program for the employee, the Toolkit will overwrite it with the address from the Employee Setup record.

How to Populate Email to Security for Selected Records

Recalculate Assigned Work for Current Filter

Prompts the system to immediately recalculate the Assigned Work field for all Employees in the current filterset, rather than waiting for Lucity services to perform the calculation overnight.

The Toolkit calculates the Assigned/Work value by adding all of the Estimated Labor Hours assigned to the Employee in the next seven calendar days in the Work Orders module.

Therefore, in order for the Toolkit to incorporate a Work Order into its calculations for an Employee:

How to recalculate Assigned Work hours for Employees in the current filterset

Recalculate Assigned Work for Selected Record(s)

Prompts the system to immediately recalculate the Assigned Work field for the selected Employees, rather than waiting for Lucity services to perform the calculation overnight.

The Toolkit calculates the Assigned/Work value by adding all of the Estimated Labor Hours assigned to the Employee in the next seven calendar days in the Work Orders module.

Therefore, in order for the Toolkit to incorporate a Work Order into its calculations for an Employee:

How to recalculate Assigned Work hours for selected Employees

Replace Employee on PMs and Crews for Selected Record

Identifies instances in which the selected Employee record is associated with an existing PM or Crew and replaces it with another Employee.

This helps to quickly update the system when an employee leaves a position and is replaced by a new employee.

How to replace an Employee already assigned to PMs or associated with Crews

Set NULL security for Current Filter

Specifies Category-Level Security [Add/Edit, Edit Only, or Full (Add/Edit/Delete)] permissions for the employees in the current filterset.

This eliminates the need to manually set each person's Category Level Security permissions.

How to set initial Category Level Security permissions for Employees in current filter

Set NULL security for Selected Record(s)

Specifies Category-Level Security [Add/Edit, Edit Only, or Full (Add/Edit/Delete)] permissions for the currently selected employees.

This eliminates the need to manually set each person's Category Level Security permissions.

How to set initial Category Level Security permissions for selected Employees