Task Setup Fields

The fields described below have special functions. For a complete list of available fields, see the Lucity Data Dictionary.

ID Fields

Task Code**

Serves as the user-defined, unique ID for the assigned work activity.

Warning: Changes made to Task Codes or Text descriptions will only affect future Work Order records; the system will not update historical records.

Task Text*

Briefly describes the work activity.

* Required.
* Must be unique.

Task Classification Fields

Task Classification fields control whether a particular Task option is available to users and how that Task may be implemented throughout the Work program.

Active Task

Indicates whether this activity is currently an option for users to select as a Work Task.

Main Task

Indicates whether this Task should:

  • appear as a Main Task option on a PM/Template (PM Enable field must also be checked);
  • appear as a Main Task option on a Work Order (WO Enable field must also to be checked); and/or
  • appear as a Task option in the Work Planning and Budgeting modules.

This option also determines whether this Task should appear as an option in the Work Planning and Budgeting modules.

Sub Task

Indicates whether this Task should appear as a Sub Task option:

  • in the PM/Template > PM Tasks grid (PM Enable must also be checked); and/or
  • in the Work Order > Tasks grid (WO Enable field must also be checked); and/or
  • in the Daily Work Inspection > Task grid (Daily Wrk Enable field must also be checked).


Daily Wrk Enable

Indicates whether this Task should appear as an option in the Daily Work Inspection module.

PM Enable

Indicates whether this Task should appear as an option in the PM/Template module.

WO Enable

Indicates whether this Task should appear as an option in the Work Order module.

Timesheet Enable

Indicates whether this Task should appear as an option on a Timesheet.

Project Task

Indicates whether this Task should appear as a Project Task option in Lucity's Project Management System.

Option Fields

The following fields allow you to establish controls related to the Task.

Don't Reset WO Route

Prevents Lucity from clearing the Routing data associated with this Task when the Work Order's Main Task is changed.

(When a Task is selected as the Main Task on a Work Order, the system automatically applies that Task's Routing information. If a user later changes the Main Task, the system clears the Routing information. When this option is enabled, however, the Work Order retains the original Routing information.)

More information on Work Order routing

Required Status

Requires a user to set this Sub Task's Status to "Complete" before they can officially close a Work Order on which it appears.

Required End Date

Requires a user to enter an End Date for the Sub Task before they can officially close a Work Order on which it appears.

Task Default Fields

Task Default fields tell the system what information it should automatically apply to a Work Order or PM/Template when a user selects the Task as a Main Task or a Sub Task. Users may change these values on the Work Order or PM/Template form if they do not wish to apply the default value.


Specifies a default work team for this Task.

The options here come from the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Crew Setup module.

When the Task is used as the:

Its default Crew becomes the:

Work Order: Main Task

Assigned Crew

Work Order: Sub Task

Task Crew

PM/Template: Main Task

Assigned Crew

PM/Template: Sub Task




Indicates the default level of importance for this Task.

  • When this Task is used as a Main Task on a Work Order or PM/Template, the Priority value is carried over to the Work Order or PM/Template.


Indicates which classification the Task falls under by default. For example the work order may require resources classified for electrical work.

The options here come from the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Employee Classifications and Equipment Classifications modules.

  • When this Task is used as the Work Order Main Task, the Classification is carried over to the Work Order.


Enables the user to classify the task on the subtask level. This does not use the list of values in the Classification modules.

  • When this Task is used as the Work Order Sub Task, the Class is carried over to the Work Order > Task.
  • When this Task is used as the PM/Template Sub Task, the Class is carried over to the PM/Template > Task.


Indicates the employee who, by default, has responsibility for overseeing the Task.

The options include employees from the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Employee Setup module who have the Supervisor field marked.

  • When this Task is used as the Work Order Main Task, the Supervisor is carried over to the Work Order as the Work Order Supervisor.
  • When this Task is used as the Work Order Sub Task, the Supervisor is carried over to the Work Order as the Work Order Task Supervisor.

Lead Worker

Indicates the employee who, by default, should serve as the point person for the Task.

The options include employees from the Work > Administration > Work Flow Setup > Employee Setup module who have the Lead Worker field marked.

  • When this Task is used as the Work Order Main Task, the Lead Worker is carried over to the Work Order.
  • When this Task is used as the PM/Template Main Task, the Lead Worker is carried over to the PM/Template.



Indicates the business department that, by default, is responsible for completing the Task.

  • When this Task is used as the Work Order Main Task, the Department is carried over to the Work Order.
  • When this Task is used as the PM/Template Main Task, the Department is carried over to the PM/Template.


Indicates the business division that, by default, is responsible for completing the Task.

  • When this Task is used as the Work Order Main Task, the Division is carried over to the Work Order.
  • When this Task is used as the PM/Template Main Task, the Division is carried over to the PM/Template.


Indicates the business subdivision that, by default, is responsible for completing the Task.

  • When this Task is used as the Work Order Main Task, the Sub-Division is carried over to the Work Order.
  • When this Task is used as the PM/Template Main Task, the Sub-Division is carried over to the PM/Template.


Indicates the business area that, by default, is responsible for completing the Task.

  • When this Task is used as the Work Order Main Task, the Area is carried over to the Work Order.
  • When this Task is used as the PM/Template Main Task, the Area is carried over to the PM/Template.


Indicates the business sub-area that, by default, is responsible for completing the Task.

  • When this Task is used as the Work Order Main Task, the Sub-Area is carried over to the Work Order.
  • When this Task is used as the PM/Template Main Task, the Sub-Area is carried over to the PM/Template.

Account #

Indicates the reference number of the general account to be billed for the work. The system can be configured to handle account numbers in various formats. The format dictates how users complete this field.

More information about Account Number formats

Proj No- Acct

Indicates the reference number for a specific project account to be billed for the work. The system can be configured to handle project account numbers in various formats. The format dictates how users complete this field.

More information about Project Account Number formats

Update Asset Last WO Date

Directs the system, when this Task is used as a Main Task on a Work Order, to carry the Work Order's End Date value to the Last Work Order Task Date field on any related Work Order Asset records

More information about Last Work Order Task Date updates

More information about how field defaults work

Estimate Fields

The Estimate fields are used to set approximate values for labor hours and costs associated with a task. This information is carried over to Work Orders or PMs that include this Task for comparison purposes.

Est. Labor Hours

Indicates the estimated number of labor hours required to complete this work activity.

  • When this Task is used as a Sub Task, Lucity carries over the Labor Hours value to the Work Order > Task or PM/Template > Task .

Est. Labor Cost

Est Equipment Cost

Est. Material Cost

Est. Fluid Cost

Est Contractor Cost

Est. Misc. Cost

Est. Total Cost

Indicate the default time or cost estimates associated with the resources required for this task.

  • When this Task is used as a Sub Task, the Estimated Cost values are carried over to the Work Order or PM/Template.



Est Task Duration(Hrs)

Indicates the estimated number of total work hours required to complete this task.

  • When a PM or Work Order lists this Task as its Main Task:
    • Lucity automatically carries the Task Setup record's Est Task Duration (Hrs) value over to the PM's Est Duration (Hrs) field or to the Work Order's Duration Est field if the user does not supply the estimate.
    • The Est Task Duration (Hrs) value is used to calculate the Projected Completion Date/Time for a PM/Template or Work Order.
  • You can set this value manually or use one of the Calculate Estimates toolkits to let Lucity determine the average duration if the task based on data from completed Work Orders.

Projected Compl Lock

Sets the Projected Completion Lock on a Work Order when the Task is used as the Main Task. The Projected Completion Lock stops the system from automatically calculating the work's Projected Completion Date, allowing users to set the date manually.

Task Unit Fields

The Task Unit fields are used to set/control how the task is measured and appraised.

Unit of Measure

Specifies the unit of measure used to measure how much work is required for this type of task. This is most often measured in the number or amount of assets touched by the work (e.g., each asset, feet of roadway, ).

Lock UOM

Indicates, when enabled, that the system should apply the specified Unit of Measure to this Work Task and prevent the user from editing the field. Thus, when a user adds a Task with a locked UOM as a Sub Task to a Work Order or PM, the system auto-fills the Unit of Measure and makes the field read-only.

Note: Enabling the Lock UOM option only locks records in the Work Order > Sub Tasks grid. It does not lock the Work Order's Unit of Measure because the Main Task's UOM might not be the same as the UoM of the Category set on the work order.

Unit Cost

Specifies the standard cost per unit of measure for this work activity.

  • When this Task is added as a Sub Task to a work order, the Unit Cost value is copied to the Work Order Sub Task.

Notification-Related Fields

Agencies can configure Task Setup records to trigger several types of email notifications when the Task is selected as a Main Task on a Work Order and certain conditions are in place. The following Notification fields on the Task Setup form are used to designated which Notification templates the system sends in specific scenarios.

Overdue Notif

Directs the system to send the selected Notification template to the Work Order Supervisor when a Work Order that lists this Task as the Main Task is overdue.

This helps supervisors ensure that work isn't being left undone.

More information about Overdue Work Order Notifications

Start Date Notif

Directs the system to send the selected Notification template to the Work Order Supervisor on the Start Date listed on a Work Order that lists this Task as the Main Task.

More information about Start Date Notifications

WO Complete Notif

Directs the system to send the selected Notification template to the Work Order Supervisor when the Status of a Work Order that lists this Task as the Main Task is changed to "Completed."

More information about WO Complete Notifications

Priority Changed Notif

Directs the system to send the selected Notification template to the Work Order Supervisor when a user changes the Priority of a Work Order that lists this Task as the Main Task.

More information about Priority Changed Notifications

Status Changed Notif

Directs the system to send the selected Notification template to designated recipients when the Status of a Work Order that lists this Task as the Main Task is changed.

More information about Status Changed Notifications

Note: Notifications are sent only when the Task is used as the Main Task on the Work Order.

Miscellaneous Fields

Life Span Increase *

Reflects the number of years added to the life span of an asset when this task is completed.

Valuation Adjustment *

Reflects the increase in value added to the asset when this task is completed.

* These are GASB34-regulated fields, which enable an agency to note the number of years added to the life span of an asset based on completing this task.

Common Fields

Custom Fields

Lucity Web includes a variety of empty fields that an agency can customize to meet its needs. The number of custom fields available varies by module. Custom fields may be any of the following types:


Lets users select a value (code/type) from an agency-defined list.


Enables users to enter letters or numbers in any combination.


Used to indicate yes/no or on/off.


Accepts numbers only.


Provides a pop-up calendar to enable the user to select a date.

Last Modified Fields

Last Modified By

The login ID of the last Lucity user to change the record.

Last Modified Date

The date that the record was last updated.

Last Modified Time

The time of day at which the record was last updated.


CS Integration Fields

The following fields relate to records in CentralSquare's Finance Enterprise (FE) system. More information about the Finance Enterprise integration.

Note: In certain Lucity modules, these fields may require specific values or combinations based on FE Ledger configuration.

CS General Ledger

Identifies a General Ledger (GL) record in FE.

CS General Key

Identifies a GL Key record in FE.

CS General Object

Identifies a GL Object record in FE.

CS Job Ledger

Identifies Job Ledger (JL) record in FE.

CS Job Key

Identifies a JL Key record in FE.

CS Job Object

Identifies a JL Object record in FE.

CS Fixed Asset

Identifies a Fixed Asset in the Finance Enterprise (FE) system.

  • Important: This field supports manual entry but will only validate against Fixed Asset records in FE when selecting a value from the lookup.
  • Note: This field is only used in inventory modules.