Application Tabs

A row of tabs runs across the top of the Lucity Web interface. Each tab provides access to an open Dashboard or view. Click a tab to switch to it and display its contents.

home tab

Home Tab

Displays the current user's Dashboard. *This tab cannot be closed.


View Selector

Enables users to open another application tab. You can pick from a list of favorites, recently opened views, an organization-defined menu of views, or the modules menu.

Module View

Appears for all module views.

form app tab


Appears for all module forms.



Appears when using or editing a timesheet.


Dashboards, Shared Tabs, Shared Tab Groups

Appears for admins when reviewing and editing other users' dashboards.

web map inline

GIS View

Appears for all Lucity GIS Views that are open to display the Web Map.

 Click the Web - Close Tab to the right of a tab name to close that tab.

Right-Click Functions

When you right click on an Application Tab you get the following options:

View Selector

The View Selector enables users to select the Module View, Submittal Form, or GIS View they would like to open.



Lists the module views (including applied filters) and submittal forms that the user has marked as favorites, making it easy to locate frequently used information.

Note: You can mark any view or submittal form as a favorite by clicking the menu menu_32x32 button and then the star Web_Fav in the upper-right corner of the view. The star turns yellow when marked.


Lists the module views and submittal forms that the user has opened most recently.


Provides an expandable menu with links to custom views and submittal forms. Forms included in this menu are opened as submittal forms.

(Only administrators can customize the menu.)

Open GIS Views

Displays a list GIS Views that can be opened in the Lucity Webmap.


Lists all of the modules that an agency owns.

Note: When users open a module through the Modules list, they see the default view of that module, or if they do not have access to the default view they will see another view they haver access to. Items in gray text do not have established views.

security This tool requires the Lucity Apps > Lucity Web > View Modules List permission.

How to open Lucity modules, views and forms