
Views control how data is structured or displayed on screen. A View can either show all of the records in a single module or a limited set of records for a module (based on a preset filter). Views can be launched from the Modules tab, the Menu tab, or from a Dashboard plug-in.

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View Components


Mark as Favorite

Lets users mark a specific view (and its current filter) as a favorite. When a view is marked as a favorite, the star turns yellow.

  • To access Favorites, click the + button next to the application tabs.



Identifies the View by name. If the View was reached through a Dashboard plug-in, the title is the same as the link selected.

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Share with Others

Enables the user to send a link to the current View to other Lucity users, allowing them to see the same dataset.
More information on sharing Views

Grids - Each View contains one or more grids, which display tools and records for the module.


Opening Views

Views can be accessed through:

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