Plug-ins are software components that are used to display data within frames. There are several types of standard plug-ins built into the software:
Asset Tree plugin
Asset Trees organize assets based on their module and relationship. When a user expands a record in a tree, the plug-in displays the child records related to that parent record.
This plug-in can be applied to the Plant, Site, Building, and Equipment inventories and can be based on a filter.
The number in parentheses is a count of associated records.
Click an arrow to expand or collapse a level of data.
Click on an Inventory or record name to open the related record(s).
Example: Clicking on Plant Processbrings up a view of all seven plant process records, while clicking on the W7 record displays a view of that record.
All Plant Inventory records are displayed.
Plant 100 has seven related plant process records.
Process 1.1 has one related Raw Water Pump Station record.
Crystal Report plugin
The Reports plug-in displays Crystal Reports that have been customized by the system administrator. A report can either be embedded into the dashboard or listed as a link to give the user quick access.
To speed up dashboard load time, the system does NOT run reports every time the dashboard is loaded. Instead, reports are run on an established schedule. (By default, every four hours.)
The Crystal Reports license allows only three reports to run simultaneously. If four users are running reports at the same time, the fourth user may receive a message stating that the maximum number of concurrent licenses has been reached. If this message appears, try running the report again at a later time.
The report can also be displayed as a link. When a user clicks the link, a pop-up containing the report opens.
The report at right is a Summary report. It provides an overview of the number of open Work Orders and how long they have been open. Summary and graph reports are most effective on the Dashboard because they provide a general indication of activity.
Data Drill plugin
The Data Drills plug-in filters a module for data, then displays and groups the data based on certain attributes. Data drills can be created against Work Orders, Work Requests, and Asset modules. Each data drill can contain an unlimited number of drill-downs.
The Quick Lookup plug-in provides a lookup field for a specific module to the dashboard. Users can type in the Common ID for a record, and the system will open the related module to that record.
Click the first (bold) line to view the website that is the source of this RSS feed. (This feature works only if the link was activated during setup.)
The frame displays an RSS feed from Yahoo! Weather.
URL plugin
The URL plug-in can be used to add a URL to another website or an SSRS report to the dashboard. This type of plug-in can also be used to embed an object into the dashboard.