Equipment Inventory

The Equipment Inventory module tracks all equipment for which usage is measured by an hour meter or other meter (not including an odometer).

Each Equipment Inventory record tracks the basic attributes of a piece of equipment, as well as its relationship to other assets. Information on meter readings, inspections, associated work orders, and PM templates is also available here.

In addition, this module enables agencies to estimate the running cost of the piece of equipment and assess its life span based on costs and usage.

Module Toolbar


More information about the tools available in this module

Note: To view an explanation of any field, Ctrl + right click in that field.


To access the Equipment Inventory module, select Fleet > Equipment > Equipment, Plant > Equipment > Equipment, or Facility > Equipment > Equipment. The following window appears:


In This Section

Equipment Inventory Header Data

General Tab


Tracking Tab

Readings Tab

Items Tab

Components Tab

Tasks Tab

Inspections Tab

Location History Tab

Plates Tab

Specs Tab

Purchase Tab

Cost Tab

Evaluation (Eval) Tab

Warn/Start Tab

Reset Tab

Custom Tab(s)

Comments Tab


Equipment Notifications