Equipment Notifications

The Equipment Inventory module provides two toolkit functions that enable users to quickly send preconfigured e-mails to equipment operators. These messages may be used to remind operators of scheduled maintenance or to provide other instructions.


Who receives a equipment notification?

What triggers a equipment notification?

Where do I set up a equipment notification?

How To Set Up and Send an Equipment Notification

  1. Create an email template in the General > Notification Setup (Notification Setup, module.

    Note: The notification template must have these values:

    equipment notification

  2. After creating the notification template, go to Fleet > Equipment > Equipment, Plant/Equip > Equipment > Equipment, or Facility > Equipment > Equipment and find the piece of equipment for which you'd like to send the notification. Or, set up a filter of equipment to which to send emails.
  3. On the General tab, make sure the Assigned To Email field contains the email address for the person in charge of the equipment.

    email fields

  4. Select the button on the toolbar. The following screen appears:

  5. Select one:
    1. Send Email Notification for Current Record (The system will send the email to the operator associated with the current Equipment record.)
    2. Send Email Notification for Filterset (The system will send the email to the operators of the equipment in the current filterset.)
  6. Select Execute. The following screen appears:


  7. Click the Email Notif # button and select the Notification to send.

    Note: Only notification templates that have the Notification Module field set to "Equipment" will appear in this list.

  8. Click OK to send the notification.

Note: A record of the notification is stored on the Email tab.