Email Notifications

The Notification Setup module can create default email messages that will be sent out automatically to each recipient listed, as well as other recipients specified in the module sending the notification. Those emails will either be sent automatically, or are triggered manually from the different modules. For automated messages, settings within the modules will control when the notification is sent.

Email notifications work for all modules that support notifications

Note: The system administrator must configure the system values for the SMTP server, and the default sender address before the email notifications will work. For Access users they are in Work > Administration > Server Email Settings. For SQL Server and Oracle users they are in the Lucity Administration Tools.


How To Create an email notification


  1. Click on the module toolbar to add a new record.
  2. Enter a unique title for the notification in the Notification Label field. This is the label that will appear in relevant notification pick lists.
  3. Select “Email” as the notification type.
  4. Select the module this notification will be used for. This will determine which module’s notification pick list the template will show up in.
  5. Enter the email address of each recipient in the Recipient List dialog window.

    Note: These recipients will ALWAYS receive this notification every time it is used, whether they are specified by the sending module or not.

    Note: When entering multiple email addresses, use a semi-colon (NOT a comma) between each address. Blind cc emails are not permissible (i.e. all email addresses will be visible to all recipients)

    Note: By default most modules that require “Email” as the notification type will automatically send emails to the recipients that are specified in those modules. Therefore recipients do not always have to be specified in the recipient’s grid.

  6. Enter the email subject.

    Note: All other fields will be grayed out as they do not apply to this type of notification

  7. Click on the Email Body tab and enter the email text.

    Note: To add another line into the Email Body section hit CTRL+Enter

  8. Click to save the email notification

Email Options

The Email Options tab is discussed here.

In This Section

Email Options tab


Email Examples