Summary Tab

The Summary tab displays attribute and condition information for the pipe. It also displays the various criteria the model used to select pipes, including ratings, rehabilitation priority, classification, and costs. This information is copied from the Pipe Inventory record as well as from the most recent Inspection record.

Material Type

Access Type

Pipe length

Pipe Diameter

Pipe Width

Est # of Joints


Automatically populated using data from corresponding fields in the Sewer Pipe Inventory record.

Surface Type

US Depth

DS Depth

Automatically populated using data from the Sewer Structure Inventory records related to the sewer pipe.

Average Depth *

The average of the two structure depths. Automatically calculated as: (US Depth + DS Depth) / 2.

Obs Data Source

# of Connections

Structural Rating

Cleaning Rating

Pipe Rating Struct

Pipe Rating OM

Pipe Rating Total

Total Flow (gpm)

Flow Removed (gpm)

Ratio ($/gdp)

Automatically populated using data from the pipe's most recent Inspection.

All Indiv Task Costs

The cost of fixing each individual defect in the pipe. This is the sum of the costs of all selected tasks found on the Details tab in the Pipe Work Tasks grid.

Rehab Pipe Cost

The cost to rehab the entire pipe instead of repairing individual defects. This figure comes from the Pipe Rehab Work Task record specified in the Rehab Work Task field on the Pipe Default Rehab Work Task record that matches the pipe's attributes.

Rehab vs Ind Diff

The difference in the values of the All Indiv Task Costs and Rehab Pipe Cost fields.

Replace Pipe Cost

The cost to replace the entire pipe instead of repairing it. This value comes from the Pipe Rehab Work Task record specified in the Replace Work Task field on the Pipe Default Rehab Work Task record that matches the pipe's attributes.

Replace vs Ind Diff

The difference in the values of the All Indiv Task Costs and Replace Pipe Cost fields.

Rigid Pipe

Flexible Pipe

Brittle Pipe

Automatically marked based on how value in the Material Type field is classified in the Material Type Defaults module.

Easy Access

Difficult Access

Automatically marked based on how the value in the Access Type field is classified in the Accessibility module.

Unpaved Cover

Paved Cover

Heavy Traffic

Automatically marked based on how the value in the Surface Type field is classified in the Surface Types module.

Min Rehab Priority

Not currently used.