Creating a Subset

  1. Open the desired module.
  2. Create a filter that contains the data you want to include in the subset.
  3. Click on the module toolbar to open the Subset Manager window.

    Note: If the module is capable of creating address subsets a prompt will appear at this point asking what kind of subset your are creating

    Subset Manager

  4. Click to open the New Subset window.

    Create New Subset

  5. Name the new subset.

    Note: If you click the green arrow, in the bottom left corner, you will see a list of existing subset names (duplicate names are not permitted).

  6. Click Button OK to save the new subset and return to the Subset Manager window where the name of the new subset will appear.


  7. Click  to return to the Subset Manager window without saving the new subset.

    You can also create a subset from a GIS map by selecting a set of features from the map and saving them as a subset. You can then view the subset in GIS or another related module.

Tutorial MovieA tutorial movie is available for creating an asset subset from an asset module.

See Also

Subset Manager

Loading a Subset

Loading a Subset in an Existing Filter

Deleting a Subset