Filter Modifiers

Address filters and other filter types contain filter "modifiers". These modifiers are next to each field in a drop-down menu. Click to see each menu. The modifiers may vary depending on the type of field. For a brief definition of each modifier see the list below.




The "equal" modifier is useful if users are looking for a field in a record that contains a specific value. For example, if they want to find all records for customers who reside in the 66214 zip code, find the "zip code" field, select "equal" from the drop-down menu, and type "66214" or select it from the list.

Not Equal

The "not equal" modifier is useful if users are looking for all records that differ from a specific value. For example, if they want to find all records for customers who reside outside the state of Kansas, find the "state" field, select "not equal" from the drop-down menu, and type "Kansas" or select it from the list.


The "like" modifier is useful if users are looking for a record that contains entries similar to a specific value. This field allows them to type in a particular value. See the examples below.

Note: Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to represent several characters or digits. Or use a question mark (?) to represent an individual character or digit. For example, if a user wants to find all customers with an "888" area code, find the "home phone" field and select "like" from the drop-down menu. Then enter the area code then an asterisk (888-* OR 888*  depending on how phone numbers are entered in the system) to pull up all records with phone numbers that match that area code.

In List

The "in list" modifier is useful if users are looking for a record that contains one of several values. For example, if they want to find several records that contain one of several building numbers, find the "building number" field, select "in list" from the drop-down menu, and select the building numbers from the list.

Not in List

The "not in list" modifier is useful if users are looking for a record that does not contain one of several values. For example, if they want to find all records that do not contain a certain building number, find the "building number" field, select "not in list" from the drop-down menu, and type the building numbers or select them from the list.

Less Than

The "less than" modifier is useful if users are looking for a field in a record that contains values less than a specific number or date. For example, if they want to find all record contacts that were last modified before January 1, 2000, find the "last mod date- contct" and select "less than" from the drop-down menu and enter January 1, 2000 in the edit box.

Greater Than

The "greater than" modifier is useful if users are looking for a field in a record that contains values greater than a specific number or date. For example, if they want to find all record contacts that were modified since January 1, 2000, find the "last mod date-contct" and select "greater than" from the drop-down menu and enter January 1, 2000 in the edit box.


The "between" modifier is useful if users are looking for a field in a record that contains values between two numbers or dates. For example, if they want to find record contacts that were modified between January 1, 2000 and January 1, 2002, find the "last mod date-contct" and select "between" from the drop-down menu and enter both dates in the edit boxes.


The "block" modifier is useful when creating an address filter. It allows users to select certain building numbers within a specified street block. For example, entering "500" would locate everything within the 500 block of the specified street.


The "range" modifier is useful when creating an address filter. It allows users to select all building numbers within range of street numbers.

0= False/no

1= True/yes


Note: These codes are used when setting a filter for a boolean (yes/no checkbox) field, such as the Commercial radio button on the page 4 tab of the filter window.


When filtering a boolean field, users can select "equal" or "not equal" for their modifier. Upon selecting the modifier, they will then have to type either "true" or "false" (true being the equivalent of yes, and false being the equivalent of no). In the example below, all records are being filtered for where the Commercial radio button was checked "yes".


In the next example, all records are being filtered for those that were NOT checked "yes".

Not Equal

Note: When using SQL Server or Oracle, these filters must be equal to or not equal to 0, 1, and -1, instead of typing the words "false" and "true". In the example below, all records are being filter for where the Commercial radio button was checked "yes".

Not Equal 0

Note: Some filter text fields with "equal", "not equal", "in list", and "not in list" modifiers will provide pick lists. Others will require users to type a value into an editable field. Those with pick lists will be limited to values found in that text field. For example, if users are filtering the Work Orders module for a particular employee, the pick list beside the Employee filter field will contain only the employees assigned to existing work orders.

See Also

Creating a Filter

Sort Tab

Address and Pg. # Tabs

Count Records