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Connecting to a Personal or File Geodatabase

To connect to a Personal or File Geodatabase, use the Database Location field to:

  • Select Path - Click the Select Path button to identify the path where the Personal Geodatabase (.mdb) is located
  • Select Folder - Click the Select Folder button to identify the folder that contains the File Geodatabase (.gdb)

Important: Lucity does not fully support Personal or File geodatabase configurations. The workstation application will be updated with edits from the geodatabase; however, the geodatabase will not be updated with edits made from the desktop.

File Geo

Note:  For SQL Server users using a personal geodatabase or a file geodatabase, the Database Location field is grayed out. In this case, changes to the database location must be performed through ClientMaintenance.exe (in the Admin tools). If moving from a personal/file geodatabase to an ArcSDE database, or vice versa, Client Maintenance must be used to change the database type (SQL Server, Oracle, Access) prior to populating this form.

See Also

GIS Database Configuration

Connecting to an ArcSDE Geodatabase

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