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Show in Map Configuration

The GIS Show in Map Configuration is a workstation based setting. This window allows you to choose a custom programmed component for the Lucity™ suite to use in place of our default component. You can then select the parameters that the system passes to the component.

  1. Select System > Configuration>GIS>Show in Map to open the GIS Show in Map Configuration window.
  2. In the ArcMap Project for Display field, browse to the location of your standard ArcMap project. By default, this map will be displayed whenever you click the Show in Map button in either your desktop version of the desktop or the Web products.

    Hint:  If you have multiple users and want to use the same settings for all of your users, follow these steps for your first user, then exit Lucity and GIS and copy the following files to each machine (using the same folder conventions). %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Lucity\Lucity.ini

See Also


Program Options

GIS Database Configuration

Address Show in Map Configuration

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