The Components tab enables users to list all of the individual components of the pump station. Users can add these components manually or load an existing component library from the sewerEquipment Component Library module.
A sample of the Components grid appears below. Sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings. An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) indicates whether data appear in ascending or descending order.
Right-click in the grid to add a record.
Right-click on an existing record for options to View Record, Add Record, Edit Record, Delete Record, Load Component Library.
Double-click on an existing record to open it.
How To Add a Record
Right-click in the Component grid and select Add Record. The following window appears:
Complete the Component field (required).
Complete other fields as desired.
Save and close the record. The item automatically is added to the Component grid.
How To Load a Component Library
Right-click in the Component grid and select Load Component Library. A pop-up appears listing other libraries from this module:
Highlight the desired library and click Select. The library is then loaded into the grid.