The Equipment Component Library enables users to set up a group of components that are typically used together. That group then can be loaded into a sewer record.
For example you have several mowers that are all the same make and model. You could create a component library of all the components for those mowers. This allows you to fill out the list of components for the type of mower and then load that list onto each record for a mower of that type.
The library consists of a Comp Lib Name field to identify the library and a Components grid that contains the library components.
Module Toolbar
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Note: To view an explanation of any field, Ctrl + right click in that field.
To access the Equipment Component Library, select Sewer > Equipment Component Library.
Components Grid
The Components grid stores a list of components that are commonly used together for a single piece of equipment. Users can enter items manually or load items from another library in this module.
A sample of the grid appears below.
How to Create a Component Library
How To Load a Component Library