The Red-lining tool allows users to draw reference information directly into the map and add notes. This allows an supervisor to create a work order and then draw something in the map for his workers to see, or allows a worker to display something that the supervisor needs to know about.
This map should ONLY contain the red-line feature classes. Do not add operational data to the map.
This map can contain more than one set of red-line data if desired. However, only one layer of each type (point, line, polygon) can be added to each web map.
Set the symbology as desired. The Default editing template for the feature class will be used in the webmap.
Note: More than one red-line map can be created. However, only one layer of each type (point, line, polygon) can be added to each web map.
Log into Arc Server Manager and click on Services > Manage Services.
Find a map service to use
Click on the map service to see its properties.
Click on the Capabilities button.
Copy down the REST URL. It should have a path similar to this: http://<server name>/ArcGIS/rest/services/<service name>/FeatureServer
Click on the REST URL. A page will appear with the properties of the map service.
Under the Layers section a list of all the service's layers will appear:
The number behind the layer name is the layer order number.
Add this number to the end of the service url. It will look similar to this: http://<server name>/ArcGIS/rest/services/<service name>/FeatureServer/0
Go into the Lucity Administration Tool and go to GIS > Map Setup.
In the Available Maps grid select the map to add the red line service to and click Edit Map Setup.
In the Redlining section select the Redlining map from the drop down. This list only displays the feature services configured in the Map Services tool.
Enter the layer within the feature service that corresponds with each type of redlining layer, Point, Polyline, and Polygon.