Distresses Tab

This tab records information about the condition of the actual road. At the top are fields for general assessment. Below those is a grid that records data on specific pavement distress types and the severity and density of each type.



Patching Est (SY)

Enter an estimate of how many square yards of patching the road segment needs. If this record is the most recent inspection, this value will be used to calculate the Patching % field on the Road Segment > Pavement Tab.


Enter a general assessment on the road segment.

Distress/Severity/Density Grid

Distresses are types of damage that a road is displaying. These distresses are associated with pavement types in the Pavement/Distress Matchups module.  If the Pavement Type was included on the Road Segment record, the Distresses grid will automatically be populated by the system when the Alt Seg ID is selected on the inspection record.  Alternatively, if the pavement type was not included on the Road Segment module, the distresses grid will be populated once a Pavement Type is selected on the inspection record. 

Note:  If the pavement type is changed after the distresses grid is populated, an error message will appear.

A sample of the grid appears below. Sort records in the grid by clicking on the headings.  An up or down arrow (highlighted in orange below) will appear signifying ascending or descending order.

Distresses Grid

How To Set Severity/Density

How To Set Rating

How To Calculate the Initial and Final Deduct

See Also

Road Segment Pavement Inspection

Road Inspections Header Data

General Tab


Recommended Maintenance Tab


Custom Tab(s)

Comments Tab
