PCI values (Pavement Condition Indices) are calculated in the PCI tab. This tab is a mix of system and user populated fields that ultimatly calculate the overall condition of the road. This condition (Current PCI) can be used in pavement modeling programs.
Field Name |
Special Function |
Strength Structural Index International Roughness Index Value (IRI) |
Users can enter values in these fields. They are not used in the system calculations. If this record is the most recent inspection, these fields will update the related fields in the Road Segment Inventory module. |
Initial Distress PCI |
The system totals all of the final deducts from the Distresses tab and subtracts that value from 100. The PCI value is then entered into this field. This is used along with the associated Weighting Factor to calculate the Final Distress PCI. Note: This is a calculated value that cannot be edited by the user. |
Initial Strength PCI |
Users can enter a value in this field. This is used along with the associated Weighting Factor to calculate the Final Structural PCI. |
Initial Roughness PCI |
Users can enter a value in this field. This is used along with the associated Weighting Factor to calculate the Final Roughness PCI. |
Distress, Strength, and Roughness Weighting Factor |
By default, the values in these fields are carried over from the Pavement Standards module. These values can be edited if needed; however, the total of the three must equal 100. Note: These values are multipliers. They represent what percentage of the factor makes up the final PCI. |
Final Distress PCI |
The values in the Initial Distress PCI and Distress Weighting Factor fields are multiplied to find this value. Note: This is a calculated value that cannot be edited by the user. |
Final Structural PCI |
The values in the Initial Strength PCI and Structural Weighting Factor fields are multiplied to find this value. Note: This is a calculated value that cannot be edited by the user. |
Final Roughness PCI |
The values in the Initial Roughness PCI and Roughness Weighting Factor fields are multiplied to find this value. Note: This is a calculated value that cannot be edited by the user. |
Inventory PCI |
This field is calculated by Final Distress PCI + Final Structural PCI + Final Roughness PCI = Inventory PCI. Note: This is a calculated value that cannot be edited by the user. |
Load Factor |
This is the sum of the Final Deduct values for all load-type distresses on the Distresses tab. Note: This is a calculated value that cannot be edited by the user. |
Non-Load Factor |
This is the sum of the Final Deduct values for all non-load type distresses on the Distresses tab. Note: This is a calculated value that cannot be edited by the user. |
Environmental Factor |
This is the sum of the Final Deduct values for all environmental-type distresses on the Distresses tab. Note: This is a calculated value that cannot be edited by the user. |
Override PCI |
This field provides a way to override the PCI calculated by the system. To override enter a PCI value in this field, and a date in the field beside it. The Override PCI value will then be used instead of the system PCI in subsequent calculations. If this is the most recent inspection this field can also be populated from a Road Segment Maintenance record by filling out that records Override PCI and checking the Reset Field Insp PCI box. |
Current PCI |
This is a calculated value that cannot be edited by the user. To determine this value, the system performs the following functions:
Example: Let's say there is a deterioration rate schedule where the slope equals 6.25 when the PCI is between 50 and 100. The street's Inventory PCI is 99. Since this PCI falls between 50 and 100, the system will use 6.25 as the slope. In 5 years, the street would have a PCI of: 99-(5*6.25), giving a Current PCI of 81.28. |
Weighted Rating |
This field is calculated using the following equation: 100 - Current PCI x Priority Weighting Factor The value in this field helps prioritize repairs. Note: The user cannot edit the value in this field. The Priority Weighting Factor comes from the user-entered value in the Pavement Standards module. |