
This tab contains information about the condition of the curbing, sidewalks, and driveway units.


Curb Length

The data in this field is carried over from the associated Road Segment record when the Alt Seg ID is filled out.

Curb Cond NW

This is the condition of the curb on the North or West side.

Curb Cond SE

This is the condition of the curb on the South or East side.

Replace Est NW

This is an estimate of how much of the curb needs to be replaced on the North or West side. If this record is the most recent inspection, these fields will update the related fields in the Road Segment Inventory > Pavement Tab.

Replace Est SE

This is an estimate of how much of the curb needs to be replaced on the South or East side. If this record is the most recent inspection, these fields will update the related fields in the Road Segment Inventory > Pavement Tab.


Sidewalk Length

The data in this field is carried over from the associated Road Segment record when the Alt Seg ID is filled out.

Sdwlk Cond NW

This is the condition of the sidewalk on the North or West side.

Sdwlk Cond SE

This is the condition of the sidewalk on the South or East side.

SW Rpl Est NW

This is an estimate of how much of the sidewalk needs to be replaced on the North or West side. If this record is the most recent inspection, these fields will update the related fields in the Road Segment Inventory > Pavement Tab.

SW Rpl Est SE

This is an estimate of how much of the sidewalk needs to be replaced on the North or West side. If this record is the most recent inspection, these fields will update the related fields in the Road Segment Inventory > Pavement Tab.

Driveway Approaches

Driveway Units

The data in this field is carried over from the associated Road Segment record when the Alt Seg ID is filled out.

DW Rpl Est NW

This is an estimate of how many of the driveway approaches need to be replaced on the North or West side. If this record is the most recent inspection, these fields will update the related fields in the Road Segment Inventory > Pavement Tab.

DW Rpl Est SE

This is an estimate of how many of the driveway approaches need to be replaced on the North or West side. If this record is the most recent inspection, these fields will update the related fields in the Road Segment Inventory > Pavement Tab.

See Also

Road Segment Pavement Inspection

Road Inspections Header Data

General Tab

Distresses Tab

Recommended Maintenance Tab


Custom Tab(s)

Comments Tab
