Adding an Asset

How To Add an Asset

  1. Right-click in the grid and select Add Record.
  2. Enter the Category if needed. This field will be automatically populated from the Work Order Category.
  3. Enter the asset's System ID number.
  4. Enter any odometer, hourmeter, or other meter readings in the fields provided. 

    Note:  These fields are only accessible if the category you choose involves fleet or equipment.  If your PMs are based on meter reading intervals, you must populate these fields as they are responsible for resetting your preventative maintenance (PM) work orders. In order for the meter reading to be carried over to the Fleet or Equipment record, you must also populate the Work Order End Date on the WO tab.

  5. The WO Cost field is calculated by the system. For information on this calculation and the accompanying toolkit function, consult the Calculate Per Asset WO Cost section of the Toolkit.
  6. Enter a completion date for the asset. For example, if you have multiple assets and you have finished working on one of them but the work order is still not complete, you can enter a completion date for that one asset.
  7. Enter the object units.
  8. The PM Description field is populated by the system when a Work Order is generated from a PM. This field reflects the user-entered asset description from the PM record. You can edit this field as needed.
  9. Enter other information in the custom fields and the comments grid.
  10. Click to save the record when you are finished entering data.
  11. Click to close the window.

See Also

Assets Tab

Asset Record

Create a Subset

Loading a Subset

Add Multiple (Asset)

Add Multiple Default (Assets)

Add Assets from Map

Create a New Work Order

View Asset Inventory Record

View Asset in Map

Populate Complete Date

Change Asset Status

Valve Status

Meter Device

Populate Meter Reading

Check for Warranties
