Special Field functions

Task Dates

If the Work option Enforce Task Start Date = End Date is enabled only 1 Date field will appear on the Task forms.

KB button Knowledge Base button

Based on your Work Flow Setup in your desktop version of Lucity, some Problems may have associated Knowledge Base information when selected on Request submittal forms. When you select one of these Problems on the form, the Knowledge Base window will appear. Click OK to close the Knowledge Base dialog. To view this information again, simply click the KB button button on the form.

knowledge base

Script button Scripts button

Based on your Work Flow Setup in your desktop version of Lucity, some Problems may have associated Scripts when selected on Request submittal forms. When your users select one of these Problem on the form, the Scripts window will automatically appear. This window will allow users to enter a response to each script in a large text box. Click OK to close the Scripts dialog. To view this information again, simply click the Script button button on the form.


Parts Integration

Based on settings in your desktop version of Lucity, the Warehouse Parts Inventory module can be integrated with the Work module to provide optimal inventory management. This integration allows you to disperse parts from warehouse locations for use on work orders. To use this integration, you'll need to complete the parts inventory integration setup in the desktop application.

The basic steps required are listed briefly below; however, we recommend consulting the Lucity Help guide for additional details on the Parts Integration Options and dispersal process.

  1. Include a Work Material or Fluid code for each Part in inventory to be used on work orders (in the desktop, Parts Inventory module.)
  2. Set the "Integrate Work and Parts Inventory" Parts Integration Option to Yes (in the desktop, Administration>>Work Options module). Set the other integration options regarding mobile warehouses and default locations as needed.
  3. In the Lucity Administration for Web Apps, you must then clear the web cache before any changes to the integration setup will take effect in the web forms.
  4. On the Web Work Order forms, select a Part from inventory.
  5. Indicate the number of units to be used on the work order.
  6. Save the Web Work Order form. If a mobile warehouse is attached to the work order, the parts will be dispersed from there. Alternatively, if there is no mobile warehouse, but a default warehouse location has been assigned in Parts Inventory, then the parts will be dispersed from there. If there is neither an attached mobile warehouse nor a default warehouse location, the following dialog will appear. This dialog allows you to select where the inventory items are pulled from.

    Parts Selection

  7. The dialog indicates the number of units needed to complete the work order.
  8. Record the part quantity selected from each available warehouse. The total quantity selected will appear in the "Supplied" field. The value in the "Supplied" field must match that in the "Needed" field before the OK button will be enabled.
  9. Click OK. The parts will be dispersed from inventory automatically.

Partial Defaulting Example

By using the Financial Integration options in the desktop application, you can enable partial defaulting for Account Numbers and Project Numbers on the web forms.

The basic steps required are listed briefly below; however, we recommend consulting the Lucity Help guide for additional details on Partial Defaulting and Work Flow Setup.

  1. In the desktop, Administration>>Work Options module turn on the options for "Use Partial Defaulting for Accounts" and "Use Partial Defaulting for Project Numbers".

    Note: These options can be used with or without Eden financial integration.

  2. In the desktop, Work Flow Setup modules for Categories and Tasks, enter the applicable account numbers and/or project number - account.
  3. In the Lucity Administration for Web Apps, you must then clear the web cache for any changes to the work options to take effect in the web forms.
  4. In the Web application, when the Category or Task is selected on the web form, the system will automatically carry over the corresponding numbers with no other input from the user (example below).

Partial Defaulting

Financial Integration Example

If your desktop application is integrated with Eden Financial Systems, you can select Eden account numbers on the work order forms.

The basic steps required in the Lucity Administration for Web Apps are listed briefly below. For instructions on setting up the Eden InForum Gold Integration in the Desktop application, consult the Lucity Help guide. You must then clear the web cache before any changes to the integration setup will take effect in the web forms.

  1. In Lucity Administration for Web Apps, add the "Account Number" and "Project Number" component types to the Work Order forms.
  2. Eden account and project numbers are comprised of multiple levels or segments. Users on the web will be able to click the button Picklist beside the fields to access the Segment selection dialogs.

    Account Number Selection

  3. Users can then click on the Segment 1, Segment 2, and Segment 3 buttons to select from lists of pre-existing account and project numbers.

File Uploads

When the File upload control is added to a Citizen Request form citizens will see this on the form.

They can click the Choose File button for a pop-up to browse to a record.

Sign Images

On forms for the Sign Inventory and Sign Library there is a picture file field that can be added. This field will display the Sign Images on the form.

Note: Before this field will work the sign images must be copied from the ...\Pict\SignLib folder that is installed during the Lucity Server install(in the Lucity share) to the web server in the inetpub/wwwroot/LucityWeb\images\signlib folder.

Work Order Location Fields

The Work Order form has a special set of Location fields (Address, Street Name, Street Name 2). These allow users to add location data to the work order without having to go to the location grid and add a location record. When the user fills these fields and and save the record the values in the field are used to automatically create a record in the Location grid. If the work order form is edited and these location fields are changed the original location is retained but the new address is added as another record to the work order location grid.

location fields

Note: These fields will always display the information for the first location on the work order. Even if several locations have been added using them.

See Also

Form Preview