Managing Web Caches

The Web product caches the data on the web sites to help improve performance. This includes certain pieces of information that change infrequently, such as the list of all problems that you have defined; however, if you add a new problem it will not initially show up in the drop down list on the web sites. In order for the new problem to appear on either the internal web site or public web site, you'll need to clear the old caches manually or wait until the caches are cleared routinely by the the system.

You should only clear the caches to allow drop down lists on the web sites to display data that was added recently.

Changes made in the field properties form of the Desktop application or any xxFields database will not be made effective by clearing the cache. These changes will be enforced only after the application pool for the Web restarts in IIS at 2:00am.

Administrators can force the application to restart by restarting IIS; however, we do not recommend restarting IIS if any users are accessing the web application as it will interrupt their sessions and they may lose whatever they were working on.

  1. To clear the internal web site cache, select the Manage Web Site Caches menu option.
  2. To clear the public (citizen) web site cache, select Manage Public Web Site Caches menu option.
  3. For both options, a screen similar to the one below will appear. This screen informs you of the number of items in the cache as well as the amount of memory being used. You can choose to clear individual caches or clear all caches using the buttons on screen.
  4. When either option is selected, this function will be performed automatically.

    Note: Clearing the caches may temporarily harm performance until the caches are re-populated.

clear cache

See Also



Object Lock Manager

User License Manager

Active User Manager

Activations Manager