ArcGIS Server and Lucity Web are on different servers

When deploying the Lucity Web Map, the web server that hosts Lucity Web must be able to talk to the web server that hosts ArcGIS Server. If both of these applications are on the same server there is no further setup that needs to be done. However, it is common for these to be on two separate servers. When Lucity Web and Arc Server are hosted on two separate servers admins must setup either a ClientAccessPolicy.xml or a CrossDomainPolicy.xml. Silverlight will always first attempt to download and check for a ClientAccessPolicy file. If it cannot find the ClientAccessPolicy file, it will look for a CrossDomain.xml file.

One or both of these files MUST be placed on the ArcGIS Server in the root folder that ArcGIS is installed to. For example:

The ClientAccessPolicy.xml and CrossDomainPolicy.xml open up a hole in the ArcGIS Server machine's security that allows Silverlight applications on other servers to communicate with ArcGIS Server. Which machines this hole allows depends on the policy used. Below are examples of these policies. Feel free to copy, paste, and modify these.


Allows traffic from any domain/site

Allows traffic from a specific site (

Allows traffic from an intranet web server (Norway)


Allows Adobe or Silverlight traffic from any website (or web server) to access resources on the website

See Also

Administrative FAQ

Error and Event Logs

DOS Attacks

Multiple Clients - Live Data Tool