Lucity Administration Settings

After publishing the map service and enabling the SOE there are several options that must be reviewed inside the Lucity Administration tool.

Connection string

  1. Collect map service url

    For Arc 10

    for Arc 10.x

  2. In the Lucity Administration tool go to GIS > Connection Strings.
  3. Find the record named DEFAULT and put the URL collected in step 1 into the URL field.
  4. Clicking in a different field will save the change.

    Note: For more information about this screen go here.


  1. In the Lucity Administration tool go to System > Settings > GIS Web tab.
  2. Review the List of emails for notifications regarding failures to update the GIS database, and Send an email if no feature is found in GIS to update settings.
  3. After making all changes click Save.

    Note: For more information about these settings go here.

See Also

GIS Update using ArcGIS Server

Lucity SOE Installation

Configure a Map Service