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Available Tools

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Add Main Task

Work Order Tasks

Adds an additional Task Detail Form to the grid. The main task from the work order will be populated along with any other default data. A new record will also be added to the Tasks grid in the Desktop version of Lucity.

Note: This operation is performed automatically.

Add Multiple Employees, Equipment, Material, Fluids, Contractors

Work Order Tasks

Allows you to select from pick lists and add multiple resources to one or more Work Order Tasks.

Calculate Fleet Rate


Runs all hourly cost calculations on demand. These calculations are normally run overnight by the services.

Note: This operation is performed automatically.

Calculate Task Units

Work Orders

Calculates the total number of units completed during the course of the work order.

Note: This operation is performed automatically.

Create WO and Associate to Selected WO

Work Orders

Allows you to highlight a work order in the grid and create a new work order that is related to the one currently selected. The new work order will contain all assets found the associated work order.

Note: This operation is performed automatically.

Create WO with Selected Assets

Work Order Assets

Allows you to create a new work order from the assets currently selected in the Assets grid.

Note: This operation is performed automatically.

Load Checklist from Task

Work Orders

Allows you to load previously created checklist items from existing tasks. For example, you may use this function if you have an existing task that is very similar to the one you are creating for the current record. When you select this option, you will be provided with a picklist of available work tasks. Select a task and the corresponding checklist items will be loaded.

Locate WO from Selected Asset

Work Orders

Allows you to select an asset from a pick list. The system will then create a new filterset and apply it to the current work order form, containing all work orders relating to the selected asset.

Populate Completion Date

Work Order Checklist

Work Order Assets

Allows you to define the date on which the checklist item or work on the asset was completed.

Populate Crews for Task

Work Order Tasks

Allows you to choose from a list of available Crews and associate them with one or more selected Tasks.

Populate Dates

Contractor Resources

Allows you to define Start and End Dates and Times for Contractor Resources associated with Work Orders.

Populate Dates/Units

Work Order Tasks

Material Resources

Fluid Resources

Allows you to define Start and End Dates and Times as well as Task or Resource Units used for all selected records in the grid. This is very useful when dealing with multiple records.

Note: If using Parts Integration, this tool will be disabled for Material and Fluid Resources.

Populate Dates/Hours

Employee Resources

Equipment Resources

Allows you to define Start and End Dates and Times for all selected records in the grid. In addition, for Employee Resources you can define Normal Hours, Regular Hours, and Overtime Hours worked. For Equipment Resources you can define Resource Units used. This is very useful when dealing with multiple records.

See Also


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