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The Work Order > Task > Material Kit Resources grid contains the following Toolkits:

Populate Dates and Units | Selected Record(s)

Split Kit | Selected Record(s)

Populate Dates and Units | Selected Record(s)

Enables you to enter the dates the Material Kit and (and by association the materials within it) were used. The Toolkit also allows you to define the Material Kit units used. This will automatically update the units in the material resources tied to the Material Kit. When a Work Order Task is saved, you will be prompted to select the physical warehouse or inventory location to pull each resource from if any of the materials in the kit exist in multiple quantities and locations.

How to populate dates and units for selected record(s)

Split Kit | Selected Record(s)

Ungroups the Material records in the selected Material Kit(s). This separation allows you to edit and/or delete individual Material Resources that were added to the Work Order as part of a Material Kit.

Note: This Toolkit only splits the Material Kit as it applies to this Task on this Work Order. The Toolkit does not alter the related Material Kit Setup record in any way.

How to split the selected Material Kit(s)