
Android Screenshot

The Work > Material Requisition grid contains the following Toolkits:

Adjust Part Quantity (-) | Selected Record

Building Issue | Selected Record

Create Purchase Order | Selected Record

Detach Purchase Order | Current Filter

Detach Purchase Order | Selected Record(s)

Issue Parts to an Employee | Selected Record

Issue All to Employee with Default Location | Selected Record

Issue Parts to a Room | Selected Record

Send All to Work Order with Default Location | Selected Record

Send Parts To Work Order or Mobile Warehouse| Selected Record

Transfer Parts to Warehouse Location | Selected Record

Adjust Part Quantity (-) | Selected Record

Enables you to deduct Parts from Inventory from within the Material Requisition module. This is useful when you are not putting the Part on a Work Order or issuing it to an Employee but simply need to draw it out of Inventory.

Required permissions:

Toolkit availability:

How to adjust Part quantity (-) | selected record

Building Issue | Selected Record

Enables you to transfer requisitioned Parts directly to a Building record in the Facility Buildings module. The transferred Parts will appear in the Returnable Parts Issued grid in the Facility Building record.

Required permissions:

Toolkit availability:

How to issue parts to a building

Create Purchase Order | Selected Record

Creates a Purchase Order for the Parts on this Requisition. Enables you to create the Purchase Order even if you do not yet have the Parts in Inventory. When you run this toolkit, it will automatically create the Purchase Order with the Parts on the Requisition added to the Purchase Order.

Toolkit availability:

How to create a Purchase Order | selected record

Detach Purchase Order | Current Filter

Detaches Purchase Orders from all Material Requisitions in the filter.

Toolkit availability:

Only if there is a Purchase Order attached.

How to detach Purchase Order for the current filterset

Detach Purchase Order | Selected Record(s)

Detaches Purchase Orders from all selected Material Requisition records.

Toolkit availability:

Only if there is a Purchase Order attached.

How to detach Purchase Order | selected record(s)

Issue Parts to an Employee | Selected Record

Enables you to transfer requisitioned Parts directly to an Employee record in the Employee Setup module. These transferred Parts will be shown in the Returnable Parts Issued grid in the Employee Setup record.

Required permissions:

Toolkit availability:

How to issue Parts directly to an Employee

Issue All to Employee with Default Location | Selected Record

Issues all the Parts inside the selected Material Requisition, with the entire Quantity Requisitioned, to a single selected Employee record. This tool provides a simplified process of the Issue Parts to an Employee toolkit by disbursing all Part(s) from their default Warehouse Location.

Toolkit availability:

How to issue all Parts in a Material Requisition from their default Warehouse Location to an Employee | selected record

Issue Parts to a Room | Selected Record

Enables you to transfer requisitioned Parts directly to a Room record in the Facility Rooms module. These transferred Parts will be shown in the Returnable Parts Issued grid in the Facility Rooms record.

Required permissions:

Toolkit availability:

How to issue Parts to a Room

Send All to Work Order with Default Location | Selected Record

Issues all Parts inside the selected Material Requisition, with the entire Quantity Requisitioned, to the Work Order linked to the Material Requisition. This tool provides a simplified process of the Send to Work Order toolkit by disbursing all Part(s) from their default Warehouse Location.

Toolkit availability:

How to send all Parts in a Material Requisition to a Work Order with a default Warehouse location for selected record

Send Parts To Work Order or Mobile Warehouse| Selected Record

Enables you to send Parts from a Material Requisition that was created from a Work Order. This tool is used by a warehouse manager who has access to see all Parts in Inventory and can distribute parts from warehouse locations that the Employee requesting Parts can't see.

This toolkit runs two different ways depending on the Work Option > Parts > Force disbursal from mobile warehouses:

Scenario 1:

Scenario 2:

Required permissions:

Toolkit availability:

How to send Parts to a Work Order or Mobile Warehouse

Transfer Parts to Warehouse Location | Selected Record

Enables you to transfer Material Requisition Parts to a specific Warehouse. Those Parts from the Requisition can then be used on a Work Order by users who only have access to pull Parts from the specified Warehouse.

Required permissions:

Toolkit availability:

How to transfer Parts to a Warehouse location