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The Warehouse Inventory > Transaction Staging grid contains the following Toolkits:

Delete Processed Records

Post Adjustments | Current Filter

Post Adjustments | Selected Record(s)

Validate Imported Data | Current Filter

Validate Imported Data | Selected Record(s)

Delete Processed Records

Deletes all records in the Transaction Staging module that have been posted to Parts Inventory and marked as Processed. Clearing out old processed records prevents them from being posted to Parts Inventory multiple times.

How to delete processed records

Post Adjustments | Current Filter

Runs the validation process on the filterset of records and commits valid Transactions to Parts Inventory. Only records that have not already been processed and are valid will be committed.

More information about importing Parts

What Validation checks

How to post Adjustments | current filter

Post Adjustments | Selected Record(s)

Runs the validation process for selected record(s) and commits valid Transactions to Parts Inventory. Only records that have not already been processed and are valid will be committed.

More information about importing Parts

What Validation checks

How to post Adjustments | selected record(s)

Validate Imported Data | Current Filter

Determines if each record in the filterset is configured properly to post to the Parts Inventory.

Note: Running the Validation Toolkit is not required. However, it provides an extra layer of validation for the user before committing the Transactions to Parts Inventory using a Post Adjustments toolkit. More information about importing Parts

What Validation checks

How to validate imported data | current filter

Validate Imported Data | Selected Record(s)

Determines if the selected record(s) are configured properly to post to the Parts Inventory.

Note: Running the Validation Toolkit is not required. However, it provides an extra layer of validation for the user before committing the Transactions to Parts Inventory.using a Post Adjustments toolkit. More information about importing Parts

What Validation checks

How to validate imported data | selected record(s)