
Android Screenshot

The Warehouse Inventory > Parts > Inventory grid contains the following Toolkits:

Adjust Inventory Quantity (+) | Selected Record

Adjust Inventory Quantity (-) | Selected Record

Enter Inventory Count | Selected Record

Issue Parts | Selected Record

Manual Quantity Adjustment | Selected Record

Set Reorder Point | Selected Record(s)

Transfer Parts to Different Location | Selected Record

Adjust Inventory Quantity (+) | Selected Record

Adds parts to a selected Warehouse Location without going through the Purchase Order process.

How to adjust inventory quantity (+)

Adjust Inventory Quantity (-) | Selected Record

Removes parts from a selected Warehouse Location without going through the Purchase Order process.

How to adjust inventory quantity (-)

Enter Inventory Count | Selected Record

Enters the current inventory quantity for Parts that exist at a selected Warehouse Location. The system will adjust inventory counts according to your input increase or decrease.

Note: In the Lucity Mobile applications, a toolkit by this name does not exist; however, the applications offer a comparable toolkit called Part Stock Count.

How to enter inventory count

Issue Parts | Selected Record

Allocates Parts to either Employees or Assets within Lucity from the Warehouse Location.

Modules Parts may be issued to




Fleet, Plant & Equipment

Park Inventory

Facility Sites

Work Flow Employee Setup

Fleet Inventory

Park Playground

Facility Buildings

Work Flow Contractor Setup

Plant Inventory

Park Parking Lot

Facility Roofs


Equipment Inventory

Park Paths

Facility Floors



Park Structures

Facility Rooms



Park Fields




Park Courts




Park Pool Site




Park Furniture/Amenity




How to issue parts

Manual Quantity Adjustment | Selected Record

Adds a Transaction record that will bring the transaction count in line with the rest of the Part record's counts.

This toolkit is enabled by Admin Portal > System > System Settings > General > Flags to Alter Application Behavior for Rare Cases. Contact Lucity Support for assistance with this process.

For more information about this toolkit's availability and features see Special Function: Correcting Inaccurate Part Counts.

Note: This tool should only be used to correct Part count data discrepancies that may have found their way into the system.

How to manually adjust Part Quantity

Set Reorder Point | Selected Record(s)

Sets the Reorder Point for Parts at one or more Warehouse Locations.

How to set a Reorder Point

Transfer Parts to Different Location | Selected Record

Transfers parts from one Warehouse Location to another. The new location can be within the same warehouse or a different warehouse.

How to transfer Parts to a different Warehouse Location