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The Warehouse Inventory > Warehouses > Warehouse Security grid contains the following Toolkits:

Add Multiple Employees

Copy Employees from another warehouse

Set Employee Security | Selected Record(s)

Add Multiple Employees

Adds multiple Employee records to the Warehouse Security grid at once. This enables you quickly add an entire group of employees to the security of the selected warehouse.

Note: This tool only adds Employees to the grid. To set their security, run the Set Employee Security toolkit next.

How to add multiple Employees to a warehouse security grid

Copy Employees from another warehouse

Copies Employees with their respective security levels from another Warehouse's Security grid to the current Warehouse's Security grid. You can run the tool again to copy employees from different warehouses.

Important: The tool will always bring in the new employees from the selected warehouse, but WILL NOT:

How to copy employees from another warehouse

Set Employee Security | Selected Record(s)

Adds or changes the Security for all selected Employees in the Warehouse Security grid. This tool is useful after adding multiple Employees through the Add Multiple Employees toolkit.

How to set Employee Security