Fleet Warranty Fields

The fields described below have special functions. For a complete list of available fields, see the Lucity Data Dictionary.

ID Fields

Warranty Rec # *

Indicates the system-defined, unique identifier for this warranty.

Warranty Number *

Specifies the user-defined, unique ID for the warranty.

Entity Type *

Identifies the type of asset the warranty covers. The system automatically populates this field based on the grid in which the warranty is created.

  • Fleet
  • Fleet Component
  • Fleet Subcomponent

Fleet ID

Identifies the Fleet Inventory record (vehicle) associated with this Warranty.

* Automatically populated.


Warranty Detail Fields

Warranty Type

Clarifies the nature of the warranty.
Examples: bumper-to-bumper, parts or labor.


Identifies the original company that supplied the item under warranty.

Additional Cost

Documents the dollar amount the agency or department spent to purchase the warranty.

Warranty Status

Indicates the current state of the warranty's coverage. This field can be used to track whether the warranty is active or expired.

Extended Warranty

Indicates that the warranty is an extension of an original warranty.

Warranty Open Date

Specifies the date on which coverage began.

Review Date

Indicates the date on which the warranty should be reviewed for possible extension.

Expiration Date

Indicates the date on which the warranty coverage lapses.

Mileage Coverage

Indicates the number of miles covered by the warranty period (for example, 30,000 miles).

Starting Mileage

Records the Fleet asset's odometer reading at the start of the warranty period.

Ending Mileage

Represents the odometer reading at the end of the warranty period.

Manufacturer Fields

Manuf Code

Identifies the manufacturer/warranty provider by an agency-defined code.

  • When you select a code, Lucity automatically completes the rest of the form fields using data from the Manufacturer Library.

Manuf Name

Identifies the manufacturer/warranty provider by name.

Manuf Phone #

Manuf E-Mail

Record contact information for the manufacturer/warranty provider.

Manuf Street 1

Manuf Street 2

Manuf Street 3

Manuf City

Manuf State

Manuf Zip

Manuf Country

Record the street or mailing address of the manufacturer/warranty provider.