Warehouse Notifications

Lucity's Parts Inventory modules have a notification feature that is designed to alert warehouse managers of changes to parts in the warehouse.

Parts Reorder Notification

Parts Restock Notification

Parts Disbursal/Return Notification

Parts Reorder Notification

This email notification alerts the warehouse manager when it is time to reorder parts (buy additional parts) because the overall quantity of that part has fallen below a threshold.

Who receives a Part Reorder notification?

What triggers a Part Reorder notification?

Parts Restock Notification

This email notification alerts the warehouse manager when an individual location's quantity falls below the individual location's Reorder Point. This requests that the location be restocked and the requested quantity is calculated using the location's Max Quantity - Current Quantity.

Who receives a Location Re-Stock notification?

What triggers a Location Re-Stock notification?

Parts Disbursal/Return Notification

The integration between Lucity's Parts Inventory and Work Order modules includes the ability to notify people (e.g., the Parts Department manager) via email when Parts are disbursed to a Work Order or returned to the Inventory.

This email is sent automatically and just needs to have a configure recipient.

Who receives a Disbursal/Return notification

What triggers a Disbursal/Return notification