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The Work Orders > Tasks > Employees grid contains the following Toolkits:

Add Cost Markup | Selected Record(s)

Clear Cost Markup | Selected Record(s)

Load Cost Markup(s) from Library | Selected Record(s)

Populate Dates and Hours | Selected Record(s)

Add Cost Markup | Selected Record(s)

Enables the user to create a Cost Markup record and apply it to multiple Employee Resources on a Work Order.

How to add a Cost Markup to selected Resources

Clear Cost Markup | Selected Record(s)

Deletes all Cost Markup records associated with one or more Employee Resource records on a Work Order in a single action.

How to clear Cost Markups for selected Resources(s)

Load Cost Markup(s) from Library | Selected Record(s)

Copies established Cost Markups from the Cost Markup Library into multiple Employee Resources' Cost Markup grids, eliminating the need to repeat the action for each Employee on a Work Order.

How to load Cost Markup(s) from the Library into selected Work Order Resource(s)

Populate Dates and Hours | Selected Record(s)

Enables a user to record the Dates and Units (hours) that one or more employees worked on a Work Order Task without having to open the Employee resource record(s). This feature is especially useful when a task involves several employees.

security To run a Toolkit that updates Task Units on Work Order records, you must have the Toolkit - Update Units permission for the Work Orders module.

How to populate Dates and Hours for selected Employee(s)