Properties (Fields)

Properties are the primary content on forms and are made up of one or more fields. These enable users to view and edit data within a module.

Checkbox Fields

Checkboxes, also called Boolean fields, are used to indicate that a data type has only two possible values.

Example: The work order is Hard Locked or it is not.


Date/Time Fields

Date/Time fields store a calendar date or time of day. These types of fields are often grouped together.



Number Fields

Number fields only allow users to enter numerical values. Depending on the field properties, numbers may or may not be permitted to contain negatives or decimals.

Example: The first box in an Address field only allows users to enter a street number.


Text Fields

Text fields allow users to enter letters and/or numbers in these fields. Lucity text fields vary from four to 100+ characters in length. 

Example: Contact Name fields, Comment fields, etc.


Picklist Fields

Picklists allow users to select a value from a predefined list. Lucity picklists often consist of two fields: One contains a Code and the other a Description or Type. Sometimes the available values are carried over from another module (e.g., assets lists, resource options, locations, etc.).




The code portion of a picklist field can either be a number or text field.

Selectable Values

The values users can select in picklists come from one of two sources:

PickList Appearance

How to select an item from a pop-up picklist

How to select multiple items from a picklist

How to edit a picklist

How to add a picklist item

How to delete a picklist item

Special Functions

Several form fields have special functions tied to them that must be run manually. These functions are accessed by clicking the down arrow to the right of the field and selecting the function you wish to perform.

ID Fields

Each record in Lucity has two ID fields. The Alt ID and the Record Number.