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The Work Equipment Setup grid contains the following Toolkits:

Add Multiple Categories for Current Filter

Add Multiple Categories for Selected Record(s) - Work Equipment Setup

Replace Equipment on PMs and Crews for Selected Records

Update Past Work Orders for Current Filter

Update Past Work Orders for Selected Record(s)

Add Multiple Categories for Current Filter

Enables you to add multiple Categories to multiple Equipment Setup records in a filter.

How to add multiple Categories to Equipment Setup records in the current filter

Add Multiple Categories for Selected Record(s) - Work Equipment Setup

Enables you to add multiple Categories to one or more selected Equipment Setup records.

How to add multiple Categories to Selected Equipment Setup records

Replace Equipment on PMs and Crews for Selected Records

Identifies instances in which the selected Equipment Setup record is associated with an existing PM or Crew and replaces it with another piece of Equipment.

How to replace Equipment already assigned to PMs or associated with Crews

Update Past Work Orders for Current Filter

Updates related Work Order > Task > Equipment records with the Equipment Setup record's current cost. This helps administrators update the equipment's costs on work orders when the equipment's pay rate changed but the administrator doesn't find out until later.

How to update past work orders for the current filterset

Update Past Work Orders for Selected Record(s)

Updates related Work Order > Task > Equipment records with the Equipment Setup record's current cost. This helps administrators update the equipment's costs on work orders when the equipment's pay rate changed but the administrator doesn't find out until later.

How to update past work orders for the current filterset