Renumber a Structure

The Renumber a Structure option is useful if you are renumbering an existing structure. This tool will automatically update all the associated data. Upon selecting this option, the following window will appear:

Renumber Struc

  1. Enter the structure number you wish to change in the "Old Struc Number" field. 

    Note: You can manually enter a number or select one from the drop-down menu.

  2. Enter the new number in the "New Struc Number" field.
  3. Click . The number will appear in the ID table in the bottom left corner of the screen.  

    Note: Select any number in the grid and click the "Remove" button to delete the numbers from the grid and the numbers will not be changed.

  4. Renumber another structure (follow steps 1-3).
  5. Click . This will begin the updating process. You will be notified when the process is complete.
  6. Click to close the window.

See Also

Storm Tools

Insert a Structure

Delete a Structure

Change a Pipe Route