Insert a Structure

The Insert a Structure option allows you to add a new structure to an existing storm line.  When you insert a structure this way you are creating two lines where there was previously just one.  This tool will then update and transfer the data to both storm lines.

Note: If you are just drawing a new manhole and it is not on top of an existing storm line, you do not need to use Storm Tools.

Upon selecting the Insert a Structure option, the following window will appear:

Insert Struc

  1. Enter the storm pipe to which you would like to add a new structure.
  2. Enter the new structure number to be inserted in the "Select Structure to Insert" field.
  3. Enter the new structure's location information:
  4. Enter offset information if the new structure is not in-line with the existing US and DS structures:
  5. Click .
  6. Click to close the window.

See Also

Storm Tools

Renumber a Structure

Delete a Structure

Change a Pipe Route