Defects Tab Field/Column Definitions

The fields and columns used in this tab are described in the table below:

Field/Column Name


Flow Rate

The potential the structure component has for inflow or infiltration (I/I).

Flow Actual

The actual I/I in the structure observed during the inspection.

General Condition

The general condition of the structure. The rating information entered in this column supersedes the severity and density ratings in the columns to the right. Condition is evaluated on a scale of 1 to 3 (1 - Good, 2 - Fair, 3 - Poor).




The severity (S) and density (D) of cracks and breaks, corrosion, and roots observed in the structure. Severity is evaluated on a scale of 0 for none and 3 for heavy. Density is evaluated on a scale of 0 for none and 4 for greater than 50%.

I/I Code and Type

The code and type used for flow potential: 1-Inflow, 2-Infiltration.

Number of Holes, Cracks, and Joints

The number of holes, cracks, and joints observed in the cone or the manhole wall.

See Also

Defects Tab

Valid Severity and Density Entries