Inspection Setup Tab

The Inspection Setup tab fields allow you to document when the TV inspection occurred, the conditions possibly affecting the inspection, and the purpose of the inspection along with prior maintenance. Several fields in this module have a unique purpose. These fields are described below:

Field Name


Date Inspected

The date the conduit was inspected.

Note: This field is required in order to save the record.

Inspec Dir

The direction of the inspection, i.e. whether the inspection started from the upstream or downstream structure.

Note: This field is required in order to save the record.

Struc Insp. From

This field is automatically populated by the system when you select the Inspection Direction. This field identifies the structure where the inspection starts.

Percent Full

What percentage of the conduit was full of water or debris.

Tape ID

The identification number of the tape used in a TV inspection.

Counter Start

Counter Stop

The numbers on the tape counter where the conduit inspection begins and ends.

In This Section

Inspection Totals

See Also

Conduit Inspections

Storm Conduit Inspection Header Data

Conduit Information Tab

Observations Tab

Custom and Comments