Inspection Totals

The Inspection Total fields (Total Structure #, Total Cleaning #, Structure Rating, Cleaning Rating) are calculated fields based on the quantitative ratings/code matrix in the Inspection Setup module. The selected defects and ratings (from the Observation grid) help determine the overall condition of the conduit. This is broken down into two sets of numbers: Structural and Cleaning (circled in red below).

Conduit Insp

Field Name

How the Value is Obtained by the System

Total Structural #

The system adds up the structural defects on the conduit using the matrix in the Inspection Setup module.

Total Cleaning #

The system adds up the cleaning defects (e.g. debris) on the conduit.

Structure Rating and Cleaning Rating

These numbers are determined using the Total Cleaning number and the length of the conduit.

Remember: These numbers are not percentages; therefore, the numbers may be over 100 or even over 1000 depending on the conduit's defects (the worse the defects are, the higher the numbers will be).

See Also

Inspection Setup Tab