Delete a Structure

The Delete a Structure option allows you to delete a structure and merge the connecting pipes. All data associated with that structure and the two associated pipes will be updated and carried over to the single remaining pipe record. This will include all Attributes, Elevations, Construction information, work orders, and any observations.

Upon selecting this option, the following window will appear:

Delete Struc

  1. Enter the structure number you wish to delete in the "Structure Number" field. You can manually enter the structure number or use the drop- down list.  

    Note:  If you used the Manhole Filter, this drop-down menu will be limited by your filter selection.  

  2. Select the pipes to be merged from the upstream and downstream pipe drop-down menus.
  3. Mark the "Delete Structure from Structure Inventory after Merge" box if you want the structure permanently deleted from the Structure Inventory module. 

    Note: This box will not be enabled if the structure connects other pipes.

  4. Click . The merging process will begin.
  5. Click to close the window.

See Also

Sewer Tools

Renumber a Structure

Insert a Structure

Change a Pipe Route