General Tab

The General tab fields allow you to document when the inspection occurred, which sewer structure was inspected (upstream or downstream), the inspected pipe and structure's attributes, any cleaning done, whether the pipe was televised, and the rehab status. Several fields in this tab have special functions; these fields are described in the table below:

Note:  The Date Inspected and Inspected Structure fields are required in order to save the record.

Note: The data in the Pipe Shape, Diameter, Width, Length, Length Status, Material, and Liner fields is carried over by the system when a US Structure is selected in the header. This data comes from the corresponding Pipe Inventory record. These fields will remain blank if they were not populated in Pipe Inventory.

Field Name

Special Functions

Pipe Shape


The Pipe Shape field features a pre-defined list of shapes.  Although you can add shapes to the list and modify them, you cannot modify any of the pre-defined shapes in the list.  

Dia/Height (in)

Use this field to enter the diameter of a round pipe in inches. If the pipe is not round, enter the height in inches.

Pipe Width

The Width field is only enabled when the pipe shape (as defined in the Pipe Shape field) is not round.

Length (ft)

The length of the pipe from the center of the upstream manhole to the center of the downstream manhole. This is a calculated field in the Pipe Inventory record.

Length Status

The source the length information originates from. This could be GPS points, record drawings, surveying, etc.

Rim to Crown (ft)

Use this field to record the vertical measurement from the rim of the manhole to the crown of the pipe (in feet).

Angled Rim/Inv (ft)

When completing only a surface inspection of the manhole, this is the measured distance from the center of the rim to the invert of the pipe (in feet).

Angled Offset (in)

When completing only a surface inspection of the manhole, this is the estimated horizontal distance from the center of the manhole opening to the pipe invert where the angled rim to invert distance was measured (in inches).

Rim to Invert (ft)

If the rim to crown and diameter are greater than zero (>0), the program adds the diameter to the rim to crown distance. Or, if the angled rim to invert is greater than zero (>0), the program calculates the invert distance based on the angled rim to invert and offset distance using the Pythagorean theorem. Otherwise, the user can type in any value desired.

Flow Depth (in)

The total depth of liquid and obstructions, in inches, measured to the nearest quarter inch (1/4).

Depos Depth (in)


The approximate depth and type of the obstructions flowing/settling in the pipe (in inches).

Flow Velocity

The flow speed in the pipe (feet per second).

Note: Average velocity is equal to the flow divided by the cross-sectional flow area.



Use these fields to indicate the recommended cleaning methods or TV inspection for the pipe.

See Also

Line Lamping

Line Lamping Header Data

Observation Tab Fields

Observation Grid

Custom and Comments