General 1 Tab

The General 1 tab fields allow you to specify the type of connection for the service lateral and additional connection information, structure information, the installation date, and the source of the data. Several fields in this tab have special functions. These are described in the table below:

Field Name

Special Function

Dist from Structure

Use this field to record the distance from either the downstream or upstream structure to the service connection in feet.

Note: The data in this field will be used to calculate the Dist from DS Structure field.

Measured From

Use this field to indicate whether you measured the distance in the above field from the Upstream Structure to the Downstream Structure (US to DS) or from the Downstream Structure to the Upstream Structure (DS to US).

Note: The data in this field will be used to calculate the Dist from DS Structure field.

Dist from DS Struct

This field is automatically calculated by the system. It reflects the distance from the downstream structure to the service connection in feet. This is based on the information in the two previous fields.

Angle from Main

This field stores the direction of the lateral from the sewer main. This should be measured looking at the downstream structure as the 0 axis. If you are looking at the downstream structure and the lateral is perpendicular to the sewer main on your left side, then it is 90 degrees. If the lateral is perpendicular on your right side, it is 270 degrees (or -90 degrees). This is a direction relative to the sewer main; this is not a cardinal direction. This field is used by the Sewer Toolkit to export service laterals.

See Also

Service Lateral Inventory

Service Lateral Header Data

Location Tab

General 2 Tab

Owner Tab

Permits/Construction Tab

Inspections Grid

Overflow Tab


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