Location Tab

The Location tab stores location information for the sign, such as address, reference posts, XY coordinates, etc.

Field Name


Segment ID

Links the sign to a specific street record from the Segment Network module. Click on a field name or press F9 within a field for a list of segments to associate with the sign.

Intersection ID

Links the sign to a specific street intersection from the Intersection Network module. Click on a field name or press F9 within a field for a list of intersections to associate with the sign.

Travel Direction

Indicates the direction of travel to which the station and offset values correspond.


Describes the centerline location of the pole in relation to the segment endpoints. It is measured using the travel direction indicated in the Travel Direction field.

Example: If a 1000-foot segment of Main Street from 1st Street to 2nd Street is inventoried, and a pole is found 50 feet from 2nd Street, the correct station would be 950 feet.


A centerline offset direction for the post or pole.

Offset Direction

The direction of the offset (i.e., left, right, north, south).

Road Number

Links the sign to a specific road record from the Roads module. Click on a field name or press F9 within a field for a list of segments to attach this sign to.

Ref Post

Reference Posts are generally recorded in miles and are also known as mile markers. These posts typically do not move when a portion of the road is contracted or expanded. The reference post is displayed in the corresponding Roads record.

Org. Station

Identifies the original stationing point, and is generally recorded in feet. Stationing does not necessarily reflect the location of the Reference Post. This is a numeric field designed for linear referencing.

Curr Station

Reflects changes from the original stationing point. (This is a read-only field.) Changes are recorded in the associated Roads record when a road is contracted or expanded. If changes have been made, but are not reflected in these fields, run the Update Stationing Toolkit function in the Roads module.

X Y Coordinates

Enables users to enter coordinate information for the sign. If the Sign module is linked to a GIS Feature class, and the sign record is in sync, these fields will be completed automatically.

Parking Stall Number

Links the sign to a specific parking stall record from the Parking Stalls module. Click the field name or press F9 within the field for a list of segments to associate with the sign.

See Also

Sign Inventory

Sign Inventory Header Data

General Tab

Components Tab

Construction Tab

Inspections Tab


Custom and Comments