General Tab

This tab stores basic attributes about traffic control signs. Most of these attributes are auto-filled from a Sign Library record when the MUTCD Number is assigned.



MUTCD Number

Enables users to select a record from the Sign Library module. Completing this field populates most of the other fields on this tab. Click on a field name or press F9 within a field for a list of Sign Library records.

Sign Legend


Sub Class


Legend Color

Backgrd Color


Sign Width

Sign Height

Sign Length


These fields are all automatically filled out when the MUTCD Number is selected. The values in these fields can be changed if needed.

Special Text

Enables users to enter any other text on the sign; for example, the specific speed limit on a Speed Limit sign.

Bar Code

Enables users to enter a barcode number for the sign.

Ordinance Reqrd

Indicates whether this sign requires an ordinance to be published when posted.


Indicates whether the sign is located overhead.

See Also

Sign Inventory

Sign Inventory Header Data

Components Tab

Location Tab

Construction Tab

Inspections Tab


Custom and Comments