General Tab

This tab allows you to record general information about your traffic volume counts.  This includes the count crew, count class, type of intersection control (stop sign, traffic signal, etc.), type of count (manual, estimated, machine, etc.), weather conditions, count length, and count interval.  Additionally, a Count Location text field is available to provide a more detailed location description.  You can also indicate the starting and ending dates, days of the week, and times of the traffic volume count.  

Note:  The Count Class and Starting and Ending count date fields are required to save the record.  

Several fields in this tab have special functions.  These fields are described in the table below:

Field Name

Special Function

Count Class

In this field, you will select either ADT Count or Peak Hour Count. Based on your selection, the available data in the Count Details tab will change and different count information will need to be added by the user.  See the Count Details tab for further information.

Note:  This is a required field.

Peak Total

Calculated ADT

These are calculated fields.  The system will populate these fields with data from the Count Details tab IF Peak Hour Count was selected in the Count Class field.  See the Count Details tab for further information.

Total ADT

This is a calculated field.  The system will populate this field with data from the Count Details tab IF ADT Count was selected in the Count Class field.  See the Count Details tab for further information.

Note:  The Total ADT from the most recent traffic count record will be carried over to the corresponding Intersection Network record.

Annual Growth Rate

This is a calculated field. It reflects the intersection's change in ADT from earlier Traffic Volume records for the same intersection ID. It will be populated when the record is saved.

See Also

Traffic Intersections

Traffic Intersections Header Data

Count Details Tab

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