Adding Sub-Items (Tasks, Resources, Assets, Locations, Comments)

If users are adding sub-items to a work order in the field and in the office simultaneously, changes made by the field user will NOT overwrite office changes. Instead, after synchronization, both additions will be added to the work order. For instance, if an office user adds a new task to the work order and a field user does the same, BOTH tasks will appear in the work order once users synch the field data (i.e. send it back to the office).

Note: Certain sub-items added to Work Orders cause Work Order adjustments. For example, these include calculations run by the system when Tasks or Resources are added. When these type of adjustments are made to the Work Order from a record entered by a field user, the system considers the Work Order to be edited in the field. A Work Order that was edited in the field will overwrite any changes made to the same Work Order in the office. For example, if a Supervisor name was added to the Work Order in the office, but not in the field, when the field user synchs at the end of the day, the Supervisor data will be lost.

See Also

Special Features

Work Order Numbers and Tracking

Editing Work Orders

Deleting Work Orders

Deleting Sub-Items in a Work Order